About the Business
I really enjoy Isabelle's Yoga classes and have been attending regularly for over nine years and I always leave relaxed, uplifted and energised. Doing yoga with Isabelle has changed my life. I feel very lucky to have found her and to have the influence of her and her yoga in my life. Her classes have given me a better equilibrium in my body and my mind. Yoga is a practical philosophy that is as applicable now as it was in ancient times. Because it is not specific to any one religion, its effects are far reaching and all inclusive, regardless of practitioners' beliefs.
I started practising yoga at the age of 18. As I began to feel the effect my interest grew. I started teaching in 2002 after attending a Foundation Course and then going on to complete Teacher Training with The Devon School of Yoga. It was during this time that I discovered Iyengar Yoga and decided that I wanted to dedicate myself to that path.
Location & Hours

Exeter community Centre