About the Business
If you regularly attend the Wednesday morning session at St. Peter's Hall in Limpsfield, please be advised that there IS a class on 27th May, and there is NO class on 10th June, due to a function that starts early. Some of you who travel on the London underground may have see the posters with this message! Flex in this context is not merely about the physical body, although some asana may well help to ease tension and reduce imbalance, it is also about the ability to be flexible in our thoughts, emotions and spirit, to use breath and energy as a tool for release and energising.
Being able to accept whatever is happening, rather than using up energy to rail against it. Back to an oldie, but goody, "I LOVE WHAT COMES, AND I LOVE WHAT GOES" for prosperity consciousness and an acceptance of all - good and bad; suffering and joy.
Location & Hours

Red Lane