About the Business
I used to have real pain after long car journeys. I would get out and be hobbling. I have done loads of car journeys now and it has been fine, so it really has made the difference. It does help me and the other people in the class were all saying the same thing.
Come to Effective Yoga to learn practices to bring your body, breath and mind into harmony. Yoga works. Learn safely and without straining with an experienced teacher. Biggest yoga trial ever showed 30% benefit of yoga over usual GP care. For a video, book and Relaxations CD by Alison Trewhela/Anna Semlyen, see Back Care for back classes for sufferers & Teachers. Start classes anytime. Drop in classes are either the price above for the first class in blocks of 6 lessons. PLus £1.50 to drop in. Private lessons by arrangement.
Location & Hours

24 Grange Street