About the Business
Yoga Mala was founded by Ranju and Lindy Roy in 2004 and inspired by TKV Desikachar and his students. Mala means "garland", so Yoga Mala means "garland of yoga" - There are many aspects of yoga, including postures, breath work, chanting, meditation and philosophy. Yoga can be designed and adapted to meet the specific and ever-changing needs of an individual.
Our aim is to teach an authentic western yoga that respects both the traditional aspects of yoga and its contemporary application in the West.
In the Yoga Sutras it is suggested that we cultivate certain attitudes to help us develop and maintain clarity. These suggestions - called yamas and niyamas - are there to help us avoid falling into states of confusion and misery! This way of formulating the yamas and niyamas comes from Peter Hersnack, to whom we offer our thanks.
Location & Hours

9 Portland Street