About the Business
Acupuncture, Skin Care, Chiropractic, Yoga, Pilates, Counselling Services, Floatation Therapy, Massage, Reflexology and much more. There's something for everyone. If you are looking to let balance and wellness into your life please give us a call on 633060 or visit The Wellness Centre site for further information.
In group classes you will learn Dynamic Yoga core techniques undertaken through a step-by-step (vinyasa krama) approach to yoga posture practice (asana), breathing (pranayama) and movement (ullola). Dynamic Yoga teaches you to release tension in any yoga pose, relieving stress, while still maintaining the necessary muscular effort to maintain flow, good posture and good alignment.
Muscles are toned, joints are mobilized, heat is generated and at times the cardiovascular system is challenged. It is suitable for beginners as well as more experienced students and can be practiced side by side
Business Services
Dynamic Yoga
Dynamic Yoga is a profound training method that was developed by yoga master Godfrey Devereux. It is a systematic exploration of the relationship between body, mind and consciousness as expressions of one unified intelligence. Relying on the inherent intelligence of the body, rather than flexibility, skill or strength, Dynamic Yoga allows anyone to enjoy a seamless transition from separateness to integration, without losing touch with what makes each one of us distinct and unique.
Location & Hours
St Helier, St Brelade, St Clements
Jersey, JE